Monday, April 21, 2008

I am officially stressed!!!! x10

Prom is right around the corner and my father (sperm donor) has only supplied me with $300 for the entire thing.

that includes:
tickets for prom/after prom

so pretty much i am fucked!!! i really feel like i am being backed into a wall and being smothered by a giant fucking pillow!! sorry i am cursing a lot in this post!! but cursing is a side effect of stress for me!!! thank you for your ears!!

Peace Homey!! lol

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Nuckin Futs.

Today officially sucked for me. It started out okay. Then I got a migrane which totally sucks. i think that I have a problem with them. Then I met my friend who is having issues with her boyfriends family. I believe that I have a have a Hero complex. i think that i feel like i need to save everyone. and it sucks because i have issues of my own and yet i am fixing other people. all in all i think that life is dumb at this point